Sunday, March 30, 2008

Spring Is Here!

Today was our first day of warm and sunny weather this year. After a week of snow and rain we were all happy to see the sun! Caden and Dixie enjoyed the warm sun together in a chair on our back patio. Dixie is used to having the chair to herself and was a little unsure about sharing it with her little brother. This evening we all got out to enjoy the weather on a long walk with Dixie.

Dixie and Caden enjoying the sunshine.

Caden playing on his rocket. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Visitors!

April and Eric spent a week in Germany with us! We were so excited to have visitors. Caden loved his Aunt and Uncle! We had a week full of snow, sleet, rain and wind, but we still managed to travel and have a wonderful time! Last Friday we took a day trip to Trier and saw the Porta Nigra and the Cathedral. It started to sleet so we ducked into a little cafe to get some coffee and warm up. Caden was smiling at the waitress and she brought him his own little ice cream cone. It was his first taste of ice cream and he loved it! That night my good friend Ellen came over to babysit Caden. We took April and Eric out to eat in Kaiserslautern at the Brau Haus. We had schnitzel and flamkuchen to eat and Jake, April, and Eric shared a 5 liter beer tower! On Saturday we went to Cologne. The weather was OK when we first arrived. We had lunch in a little Italian cafe and walked through the Cathedral. April and Andi walked up 509 stairs in a very small and windy stairwell to the top of the cathedral. The view of the city was amazing! After touring the Cathedral, it started to sleet and was freezing so we headed for home. Easter morning we woke up to snow! The Easter Bunny brought Caden a little toolbox for his Easter basket and he loved it! That afternoon we drove to Munich. We stayed in a little hotel withing walking distance of the Old Town. We ate dinner in a beer hall and ate Bavarian food. We braved the cold on Monday and spent the day touring the city. It was a public holiday in Germany so all of the stores were closed, but we saw all of the historic buildings and a castle. We went to the HofBrau Haus for dinner. We had good food and liter beers! Caden shared Andi's spatzle (German noodles) and pretzels before falling fast asleep in his stroller. Tuesday morning we awoke to more snow. We walked into town and Jake and Eric bought beer steins and then we headed for home. It was a long and snowy drive, but we made it home safely. This morning we said our goodbyes and Jake took April and Eric to the airport. We are so glad they came to visit. We had a great time!

Caden loves his Aunt April!

Caden with his Easter basket.


April and Eric in front of the Glockenspiel

Caden all bundled up on our walk through Munich.

Hofbrau Haus

April and Eric at dinner in Munich

Andi and Caden snuggling to keep warm!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Busy Daddy

Jake has been busy taking a grad school class this week and still flying almost every day. He has class from 6-9:30 every night this week and class all day Saturday and Sunday. We are all looking forward to him having some time off next week. After a short tip to Turkey on Moday and Tuesday, he has a whole week off to spend with April and Eric. Caden and I went out to lunch with some friends today and it was quite and adventure. He is into everything now! He is babbling more now, saying mamama, dadada,'s so cute!

Caden loves to play with all of our kitchen utensils!

He learned to drink from a straw sippy cup this week!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I have finally decided it's time for our little family to have a blog. We live so far away from our friends and family and we miss you all so much. Hopefully this will be a better way for us to keep in touch with everyone and share our European adventures. Caden is growing up so fast and we have so much we want to share with you. I'm going to try and post messages and pictures a few times a week to keep you updated. We will see how it goes!