Friday, July 31, 2009

We are moving!!

This week Jake received his new assignment to fly C-17's at Charleston AFB in South Carolina! This was Jake's first choice and we are all so excited to be moving back to the states and living closer to family and friends! We have just 2 months to get packed up and moved back to the states. Jake is busy trying to get things set up for us as quick as he can. We will be leaving Germany Oct 1st. Caden, William and I will be going to Georgia to stay with family for a few months while Jake goes to train in Altus, OK. We will all be in Charleston by the end of February!

William Michael is here!!

William was born on July 20 at 8:31am. He weighed 7lb 4oz and was 19.5in long. He is healthy, beautiful and such a joy to our family. I have had a quick recovery from my c-section and am feeling great. Caden is being a super big brother and we are so proud of him. He loves to show his brother all of his toys and to teach him about trucks, trains, airplanes, and tractors. I'm sure they will be the best of friends! He gets a little jealous sometimes and he really can't wait until I can pick him up again!

Jake holding him while waiting for me to get out of recovery.

Going Home!

Thanks Oma for the big brother and little brother shirts!

Kim and Dan were here for 10 days and they were a huge help!! We are so thankful they were able to come out and help us welcome William to the family and take care of Caden. Caden really loves his Oma and his Opa and he had a wonderful time playing with them. Jake started 10 days of paternity leave when his mom left and we are all enjoying having him around the house to help out. My mom gets here on August 4th and we can't wait to have her here!

Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers for our family. We are doing so well and we thank God for blessing us with William.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Caden's first day of summer camp!

Caden is turning into such a big boy! Today he started his first day of summer camp at the Childrens Learning Academy. It is a school off base, but is all Americans. He will be going 5 days a week from 9-12 for the next 7 weeks assuming he continues to enjoy it. He was so excited to go this morning. The first thing he said to me this morning was "today I go to school!" and then all morning he ran around saying "hooray school!" I'm pretty sure that I was more nervous about him going to school than he was. When we got to his classroom he hung up his backpack and ran inside the room to see the toys. He gave me a kiss, told me he loved me and then ran off to go play with another boy and some tractors. I was so proud of him for being so brave! When I went to pick him up he was playing with trucks, but as soon as he saw me he came running and jumped into my arms. His teacher said that he did well, but was having a little trouble listening. Hopefully that will improve as he gets used to being there.

Getting ready to go to his first day of summer camp!

Running to give Dixie a goodbye kiss before we leave.

I am now 37.5 weeks pregnant and still feeling pretty good! It has been hot here and I'm looking forward to the cooler weather we are expecting this week. I have really been missing air conditioning the last couple weeks. Caden and I are still keeping busy walking Dixie every day and playing at the park. He talks a lot about his baby brother now, but I'm still not sure he quite understands what is about to happen. We are all getting excited about William's arrival and I can't wait to have him in my arms!

37 weeks, feeling huge!

Caden and his best friend Dixie snuggling on the couch before church on Sunday.