Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I had a wonderful Mother's day hanging out with my boys! I started my day working in the church nursery with all the sweet babies. Then Jake and I attended a great worship service while Caden went to Sunday school. Caden loves going to school and was so excited to go and see his friends!
We spent the afternoon playing outside and are thankful the rain didn't start until after dinner. Caden has so much energy and loves spending the day outside playing with mommy, daddy and Dixie! We went on a long walk, fed ducks, rode bikes, jumped on the trampoline and played with the neighbors. He is one tired little boy and is sound asleep! For dinner, Jake cooked me a wonderful pesto pasta meal we ate while in Italy. It was delicious! It was a great day and I am so thankful for my amazing husband and sweet boy who made my day so special!

We also wanted to wish our moms a happy Mother's day! We love you and miss you so much! Thanks for everything you do for us. We can't wait to see you in 3 weeks!

A lot of you have been asking for new belly shots so I had Jake take a couple this afternoon. I am 29 weeks now and feeling pretty good! We are getting very excited about William's arrival!

Caden playing with his best friend Dixie!

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