Friday, May 15, 2009

Baby William Update

Today I had another ultrasound to check on William's kidneys and we got good news! He does have a slight case of hydronephrosis (fluid on the kidneys) but the doctor thinks it is nothing to worry about. He is going to do one more ultrasound in 5 weeks to check again, but he assured us that everything is going to be fine. At 30 weeks William is weighing in at 3lbs which is right on schedule. Unfortunately he would not take his hand away from his face so we didn't get any good pictures of him today. We did get a couple of glimpses of his profile and the doctors said he thinks he is going to have Jake's nose. Hopefully at the next ultrasound he will move his hand so we can get a better look at him. Jake and I are both feeling very relieved and thankful after today's appointment. We can't wait to meet our new little guy!

18 weeks

18 weeks

25 weeks

I couldn't put up a post without some pictures of our sweet Caden so here are a few pictures of Caden enjoying his bath this week.


Shannon said...

Boy does Caden ever have a great smile! So adorable! I LOVE bathtime pics. Keep them coming!

Shannon said...

Oh and I LOVE the pics of William Michael! Are those from LRMC? They didn't have a 4D machine last year with Alex. Glad you got some of him and his adorable little feet. Too cute. I think his birthday will be easy to remember. Get LOTS of sleep the day before because they don't let you sleep for the first 24 hrs. basically as they keep coming in and checking on you and him all night long. I was getting very growly towards morning because here I was in my own room and they wouldn't stop bugging me and I'd finally get Alex to sleep and then they'd come in and undress him and take him down the hall to weigh him and bring him back all super awake and needing to be fed...again! Ugh. The Germans weren't like that when I had Bren by C-Sec at St. Johannis so I got a bit more rest there. I know they're just doing their job and making sure you're both recovering o.k. but OY! Take care and keep the pics coming!