Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's about time...

I finally have decided to update our blog. It's been way too long since I've posted and I'm going to try my best to update it regularly.

The biggest news our family has is that we are expecting another sweet baby boy this July!! We are going to name him William Michael. William is after our grandfathers and Michael is after my dad. He will be joining our family on July 20th and we can't wait! Caden still doesn't really understand what is happening, but we know he is going to be a wonderful big brother.

Caden will be 2 years old next month and is growing up so fast. He is always on the go and rarely sits still. His favorite things and trucks, train, airplanes, Elmo and our dog Dixie. He is so funny and always has Jake and I laughing. He is talking all the time now and seems to be learning new words every day! We can't wait to take him home to visit our families in the states next month!

We are continuing to enjoy our time in Germany, but are getting very excited about heading back to the states this Fall. We still do not know where we are going and we will probably wont know until July. We are hoping to get back closer to our families!

A few weeks ago we took an amazing trip to Italy! We flew into Rome and spent 2 full days seeing all the sights. We then drove to Tuscany and spent 3 days in a bed and breakfast in the Chianti Region. While staying there, we took day trips to Florence and Sienna. We then left Tuscany and drove to Cinque Terre which is five villages nestled on the cliffs of the Italian coast. It was the most beautiful place we have ever been and we are so glad we were able to spend 2 relaxing days there at the end out our trip!

Andi standing inside the Colosseum overlooking the Forum.

Jake in front of the Colosseum.

Caden playing at a park in Rome!

Enjoying a delicious lunch in the square in Sienna!


Cinque Terre!

Taking a break on our hike between cities in Cinque Terre.

My two boys in Vernazza enjoying the beach.

Vernazza, where we stayed in Cinque Terre

Well that is about all I have time for now. Caden should be waking up from his nap any minute. Check back soon for more updates!


Kathy said...

about time, girl! Love the pix,and congrats on your little William! Can't wait to see pics of him and of him and his brother! Josh has done fairly well with Sam, though he seems to sleep less now...not sure why, Sam's not waking him up or anything...maybe just the stress of new brother and AJ being gone.
Anyway, so glad you decided to rejoin the blogosphere! Have fun on your trip, and say hi to Jake and Caden.

Courtney said...

I've been checking religiously not expecting anything... but today, SURPRISE!
I love William Michael, such a strong amazing name. Big fan. Can't wait to meet the little man.
Hope all is well! Can't wait to have you back stateside!

Shannon said...

Such cute pics of you all in Italy! That looks like it was an amazing trip. Congrats!