Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Kids Bridge Run

This post is long overdue, but I can't miss the chance to record Caden's big race! Last year Jake and I ran the Bridge Run together and we took Caden to run the kid's Bridge Run. It takes place the Friday before the run and it is a big festival for kids all afternoon that ends with a bunch of different races for kids of all ages. Last year Caden ran a 100 yd dash with the toddlers and he loved it! This year, now that he is a big 3 year old, he thought he was ready for a longer race. He could have moved up to the 1/4 mile, but not my Caden. He insisted that he was ready for the mile race! I told him that if he could jog a mile with me in our neighborhood that I would enter him into the mile race. So we put the two little boys in the stroller and set out to jog two laps around our neighborhood. Caden was so determined and he ran the entire way with a huge smile on his face. So, I entered him into the mile race and he was so excited!

We got to the race around 3:00 after spending all morning at the Flowerton Festival in Summerville with our friends. He was already tired by the time we got there, but he was ready to race. We met our neighbor there and got the kids registered. He got his t-shirt and his race number and was ready to go. We spent the next few hours exploring the park and walking around doing all the activities for the kids. The toddler races started at 5:00 and Caden cheered his little heart out for his friends. He was so anxious for his long big boy race! The mile race finally started at 6:00 and Caden was exhausted, but he would not give up. He ran the whole race and he got his medal at the end! I was so proud of my little boy!

Caden with his friend Taylor getting ready for the race.

Sweet brothers taking a little rest while waiting to race.
Running with a smile!

Tired, but proud of his medal.


Kathy said...

That is amazing, Andi! Josh can't even run all the way around the block!

Russell W. Crumbley said...

I can't believe he can run a mile! That is great...way to go Caden!

Russell W. Crumbley said...

Sorry about that - the Russell Crumbley post is from Sarah Wilhite. I've been working on a blog for my Dad and forgot to sign out! Oops!