Monday, March 14, 2011

I Love Sundays!

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. It is a big job to get us all ready and to church on time, but I'm so glad we make the effort to go every Sunday. Caden and William go to Sunday school and Asher has just started going to the nursery. The hour I spend in church every week refills my spirit and gives me the energy and confidence to get through the week ahead. I am reminded that I am not alone and that with God I can do anything. I pray for my family and for strength and I always leave feeling refreshed and ready to take on my boys again!

This past Sunday I decided to take all of the boys to Home Depot with me to pick out new flowers and get some more mulch for the yard. I had Asher in an Ergo carrier, Will in the cart and Caden was walking. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy and we got quite a few comments, but my boys were awesome and we had a great time! We spent almost an hour walking around looking at all the plants, and of course the forklifts. We left with a very full and heavy cart and two very happy boys who were holding their own little shovels we bought so they could help plant the flowers.

We spent a couple hours working out in the yard together before we all took a long nap! Caden and William used their shovels to dig around in the mulch, but were not too much help actually planting the flowers. Asher sat in the stroller happy as can be and ended up falling asleep which gave me some time to play in the dirt with the other two. The yard looks great and Caden is so proud of the flowers he picked out. He has brought all the neighbors over to see them.

After a nice long nap our good friends Kevin and Trisha came over to visit. Kevin is awesome with the boys and they love him! He played with them in the backyard for an hour while I got to sit and Talk with Trisha in the screened in porch. It was wonderful!

The final thing that makes Sundays so great is that our friends, the Lundbergs, have us over for dinner every Sunday night. It is so nice to not be alone on Sunday nights. They are such great friends and take such good care of our family.

William working in the mulch.

Caden taking a break from gardening for a little bike ride.

My sweet boys playing together in the dirt.

Little Asher hanging out in the stroller watching his brothers.

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